Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Adverse Effects Of Lupus

This is just one of the effects of Lupus.

Cropped copy (framed with ArtEdges) 
This is just one of the effects of Lupus.

So many people don't understand Lupus and it's devastating effects, myself and the doctors. I am slowly writing about some of my experiences with it. For me one of the most devastating effects has been the deterioration of my hands. It started out as a stiffness then I noticed some of my fingers started snapping and then they were slanting into each other. I tried using some silver ring splints and they helped for awhile.

Untitled-2 (framed with ArtEdges) 

They gave me a brace for my right hand and that helped me be able to go on working and doing my art, then the left hand got worse and now the second brace. As you can see in the second picture the ligaments are gone in the right hand and going in the left. Recently the OT gave me some exercises to help my muscles since using the brace has made them weak. This week the knuckles have disappeared because of swelling and typing makes it worse, I probably made it worse by too much exercising of them too.. I am afraid of loosing the use of my fingers altogether and not being able to create again. I'm giving them a break this week because they hurt just too much and am hoping and praying that by next week some of the swelling will have gone down.

Lupus has effected not only my joints and the connected tissues but my intestines, my eyes and and mouth with Sjogrens Syndrone (related to Lupus) Then there is the damage that all the medications I'm on is doing to my liver, kidneys and heart (now have high blood pressure) damage to the retina in my eye and Osteoporosis. I'm on the same medications that was used It's sad that this disease does not get the attention and funding that some of the other diseases get.

It's hard for people to understand because to look at me you wouldn't know all this is going on, and on the real bad days I stay in, sometimes it's a long period. Even so..I'm still trying to create. I'm looking for and trying different ways and things to assist me in creating. Just last week I signed up for Jude Hill's Spirit Cloth quilting class! I know..I'm a glutton for punishment but I'll try it.

I think the hardest part is not knowing how bad t his will get. Will I become a body with dangling appendages?

I'm writing this to bring attention to it but also to explain why I sometimes disappear for long periods and hope people don't give up on my blog..or my art. Any art I do I will price according because I do very little now and some pieces I won't sell, but will sell prints of it. I know God has a plan for me and if it isn't with my fingers then something else..I just have to remember that.


Judys Lace Creations said...

How challenging life must be for you.I am so sorry. Our hands are so precious when you like to make things.

JudyK said...

Thank you for your comment, sorry, I have no idea when you wrote it though.