Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Artful Blogging ~Star~ Izabella's Blue

Lookee looke! Look who is an Artful Blogging star! And they gave her 5 pages! (2 1/2 spreads!)
It is our own sweet Bella! our founder here and owner of Izabella's Blue Yaaay! I don't remember how long it's been because my memory is bad but when I first became aware of altered art and ATCs and started blog surfing, I discovered Izabella's art. It is so unique and with a sadness that drew me in. Her blog, which is a whole experience to visit..fascinated me so much that I decided I wanted to have a new blog. I had started another one but had trouble with it. Bella being fairly new to Typepad herself guided me ..sometimes having to literally spell it out for me! lol! But due to her patience and friendship I finally "got it".
Now...she is featured in Artful Blogging! Congratulations Izabella!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Milk Weed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!

I just discovered this dreamy blog from the magazine Artful Blogging! She sews the most beautiful clothing (love the children's pictures!) I love this skirt and guess what! it's a Milk Weed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Blog

Don't forget to check on my other blog at:

I'm going to try to keep both of them up if I can. I'd been working on a couple of pieces to send in to Stampington to see if they would publixh either of them. I've never sent anything in so I'm a little nedrvous. I was advised not to show it because of it has been out they may not use it. They still may not but I finally got my courage up.

Now what should I do about the b logs. Should I make one for certain types of my art and my other for something different....or carry both but update evedryday things differently? I know many of you have several blogs..what do you do?

I wonder if I could just put a little section...hmmm.I better not. I wouldn't want to ruin a chance to be in any of those awesome publications.

I Quit! I've been trying to put my code in for my playlist and ...I can;t seem to get it..I'll try later..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ron's Operation today

Today Ron is being operated on. Our prayers are with him and JoAnna. I'm waiting to hear how it all went...I can't imagine how I would feel but I know God is with them and that gives me peace.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Help JoAnnA and Ron- Mosshillstudios

This is a letter from my friends JoAnnA and her husband Ron, they are asking for prayer, I'm asking for your help. There is a widget on the left if you find it in your heart to do so. If you can't we still ask for prayer. Prayer is mighty. They are beautiful people, a lot of you already know JoAnnA, if you don't, go to her blog and you can see what kind of beautiful person she is and her husband is a sweetheart. ...thank you, Judy

Dear Friends,

I write with a desperate request for prayer for Ron. As you may already know, they have found a massive brain tumor in Ron's brain stem. We were told yesterday that Ron has about a month to live without surgery. This is devastating news, to say the least, but our God is a very big God.

We are in the process of trying to get aide through our county so that Ron can go to UCSF (San Francisco) to have his surgery. We are told it will take a week to be approved which at the moment seems like eternity.

Please pray that God will protect Ron. His tumor is pressing on the fourth ventricle, and if it closes up completely, he could not survive.
Please pray that those at social services will see Ron as a human being, and not a number, that they will expedite his coverage.
Please pray that Ron gets the best doctor (neurosurgeon) possible.
Please pray we will figure out how to do SF with the dogs and all.
Please pray for our families who are really upset and scared too.
Please pray that God will give us His peace that surpasses all understanding and trust in Him.

Thank you so much for your support in prayer.

With love,

Monday, January 26, 2009

One World- One Heart event

My One World-One Heart event is at my other blog for now please stop by!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Which Place to call Home?

I've had this blog for awhile but to be honest trying to keep up with two blogs and a life is hard (for me anyway) so I'm going to try this one and my otyher one to seewhich I like the best then top one of them. This is where I've been. http://jmkoriginals.typepad.com/

I've had other things going on too be am getting back to my art. Yaaay!