Monday, November 15, 2010

Untitled-1 copy


  Art Doll Quarterly did a wonderful job putting together my DIY article "Jewel of the Sea" I put up a couple of pages but there are 4 with the instructions.



                              cover      table of contents       pages 66 and 67

I hope you try this magazine, its filled with wonderful imaginative dolls.  If you decide you want to make my mermaid, I hope the instructions are clear...they were clear to me but then again..I wrote them! lol!  I have to admit at first I was overwhelmed when I was asked to write the article and never thought I could write enough words..well I did and probably too many but to make the directions clear I thought it needed this much.  To all of you who make art dolls or anything else for that matter..take the plunge and send it in to a magazine (following their submission policies)  I didn't think my work was good enough and after years I got the courage to send in my first doll (that was rejected but they visited my blog and liked what they saw, so I say.."Go for it!"

I'm making an album on my side bar with more pictures of the doll in progress to help any of you, and in the future I may be printing up faces on fabric for sale for those of you who aren't comfortable in painting your own face. Check back for updates on that.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

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