Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blog Home's been a long time. I started several blogs trying to see which ones I liked best and I've neglected this one for a long time.

Been busy making art for an Art Fair in November so you can see why I haven't been on line much. I've tried to update my other one at
That's where my most recent art pieces. Here is a picture of my last one I completed.

I'm doing a "work in Progress" over there now but I hope to do another one here too.


Elaine Thomas said...

Hello Judy, thanks, I love your art as well. You are very talented. I met a few people but they haven't been to our home as less I haven't told them where I live. Have a Happy Holiday!!

ingeniouslycreative said...

Hi Judy, thanks for visiting my blog! Happy New Year to you sweetie!!! I's been a long time since we last chatted, I hope all is well with you and your family. May the Lord richly bless you this coming year. xoxo Carol

kecia deveney said...

this is beautiful!